Simone Cherie - Class of 2017

About Simone

Simone Price (nee Perry) is the Director of Organizing at the Center for Employment Opportunities - a national organization working to support people returning from prison or jail. In her role, she oversees an innovative initiative to empower formerly incarcerated people to engage in criminal legal reform in cities across the country.

Simone is a passionate advocate for the elimination of collateral consequences stemming from criminal legal systems involvement - especially barriers to economic opportunity and civic participation.

Future Plans

I hope to get our directly impacted organizers out front on transformative criminal justice reform - I want to see us develop young leaders who have the drive to carry the work forward. 

Why MavPAC?

For the sake of sounding nostalgic, I love being able to look back in awe at the personal and professional growth of the members. I was in my mid-twenties when I was introduced to MavPAC and I remember joining with folks who were still quite early in their careers. Now that I'm 32, some of my peers have gone on to start great firms, hold elected office, and more. It is really cool to see that. 

What is special about Future40?

My career has not always enabled me to naturally connect with professionals who shared my interests or priorities, and I've made incredible relationships with MAVPAC alumni.  It's truly the only network of its kind. 

Connect with Simone via LinkedIn.


Representative Kat Cammack (FL-3) - Class of 2020


Weston Wamp - Class of 2021