Ashton-Theodore Randle

Ashton has over 15 years of experience in the political and advocacy space. In that time, he has worked to address a wide spectrum of policy and advocacy issues. Prior to joining GovPredict, he served as a Program and Policy Officer at the Manhattan Institute (MI). Prior to MI, he worked at the American Psychological Association (APA) as the Director for Field and State Operations and Government Affairs for the Practice directorate. In addition to APA, he worked in advocacy roles at DCI Group, The Prevent Cancer Foundation, and The Case Management Society of America (CMSA). In those positions, he created multi-level grassroots and grasstop advocacy campaigns. Addressing oncology research funding, nursing licensure, patient centered care, cyber security for seniors and mental health parity implementation. 

On Capitol hill, he worked for Rep. Sue Myrick (NC-9) in the U.S. House and Majority Leader Bill First, M.D. (TN) in the Senate. Addressing health, education, telecommunications and tax policy. After graduating college at The George Washington University, he worked with the Bush Administration on two presidential projects addressing nominations of federal judges and social security reform.  

Ashton serves as a member of the steering committee for the NYC chapter.


New York